Friday, September 11, 2009

It's Been Eight Years...

It's hard to believe it's been eight years since 9/11. I remember walking by the student lounge where a few staff were watching with mouths open. Someone said planes...I thought invaders' airforce...said shoot them down before I realized they were passenger planes. By the time I turned on the television in my room, it was far too late. I saw only the rerun of the burning Twin Towers, so I called my husband in a panic. He told me the buildings had collapsed, but I was still in disbelief and said, "No, I can still see them on television!" But it was only a replay of the original footage.

A few days later, as they covered every detail of the disaster on every channel, I lay on the sofa and cried. How would we recover? Now, I know that many of my students knew someone affected directly by the attacks. I've heard of "near-misses" of those who didn't go to work that day.

We visited New York a couple of years ago and went to see the site of the Towers. It was very dark...not even the memorial light. I felt a bit overwhelmed by it all. Then this year, we went to Boston and remembered this is where it began...again a lump rose in my throat. I love history, but this is history that I wish I would never have to talk about. Was it inevitable? Perhaps so, but God will take care of it in the end. God bless America!