Monday, May 11, 2009

Boston Tour--What a trip!

Well, we've spent almost three days in Boston, and here's my take on visiting this historic city.

1) Never drive into the downtown, even on Sunday. The roads change and parking lots seem to hide.
2) Wear good walking shoes (I did). Find a better map than the AAA one. I'm glad I have a good navigator (my hubby).
3) Feel free to roam. Take time to sit and enjoy the water views and parks.
4) Eat at Legal Seafood.
5) Visit the MIT museum. It's a great view of our technological growth and limitations.
6) Ride the subway--but watch out for rush hour. Close quarters are the norm.
7) Listen and watch the people. It's almost as entertaining as the sights.
8) Know your history, and enjoy the historical significance of this city.
9) Don't stay too long. Cape Cod here we come!

I'll post pics later!

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